Is Your Life on Autopilot?
Are you asking questions like “where is it I want to go? Why do I want to get there? How will this path bring me what I desire?”Or are you on autopilot?
Are you asking questions like “where is it I want to go? Why do I want to get there? How will this path bring me what I desire?”Or are you on autopilot?
Don’t lose sight of your trail and you’ll start to see these obstacles fade away. Get on a Changing trail that’s rich with happiness and enjoy the sights.
Burnout does not have to be a way of life if you invest in your own Vacation Vibration. It’s about getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things.
As a full-time travelpreneur, I didn’t see any other choices. My big adventure had turned into a constant tug-of-war between the present and the future.
I l faced a wide variety of challenges and confronted fears. This adventure brought me the awakening of my confidence today to inspire others.
Those who are entrepreneurs with ADHD, they tend to have very quick, active, and scattered minds, which makes running our business quite challenging.
If you follow the call of your heart and work at mastering your mind, you will know a better life than most of the world knows.
Your life’s “strand of beads” is a fulfillment of your hard work and dedication, dreams and goals and to lead you to your passion and destiny.
Taking action and being a “go-getter” has always been my coping mechanism. I’m not saying that taking action is wrong. I believe it’s absolutely necessary.
Your querencia is, “a place from which one’s strength of character is drawn, a place where one feels at home.” It’s actually a term used in bullfighting.