Publishing / Editing / Writing / Marketing
- Your voice. Our writers. Satisfaction guaranteed.
- Custom book cover by a world-class designer
- Professional interior layout
- Paperback and eBook formats included
- Full coordination of all publishing details (ISBN, Amazon book page setup, Amazon author page setup, etc.)
- You keep 100% royalties and have 100% ownership of the book
- Printing and distribution through major online retailers
- Developmental editing + proofreading (unlimited revisions)
- Large email list campaigns
- Facebook advertisements
- Kindle advertisements
- Highly targeted
- 100% done for you
- Phone and email support
Custom Quote
Publishing / Marketing
- Custom book cover by a world-class designer
- Professional interior layout
- Paperback and eBook formats included
- Full coordination of all publishing details (ISBN, Amazon book page setup, Amazon author page setup, etc.)
- You keep 100% royalties and have 100% ownership of the book
- Printing and distribution through major online retailers
- Large email list campaigns
- Facebook advertisements
- Kindle advertisements
- Highly targeted
- 100% done for you
- Phone and email support
Custom Quote
Finish Your Book With Authors Unite
- Custom book cover by a world-class designer
- Professional interior layout
- Paperback and eBook formats included
- Full coordination of all publishing details (ISBN, Amazon book page setup, Amazon author page setup, etc.)
- You keep 100% royalties and have 100% ownership of the book
- Printing and distribution through major online retailers
Authors Unite
- Developmental editing + proofreading (unlimited revisions)
- Custom book cover by a world-class designer
- Professional interior layout
- Paperback and eBook formats included
- Full coordination of all publishing details (ISBN, Amazon book page setup, Amazon author page setup, etc.)
- You keep 100% royalties and have 100% ownership of the book
- Printing and distribution through major online retailers
Custom Quote
- Your voice. Our writers. Satisfaction guaranteed.
- Custom book cover by a world-class designer
- Professional interior layout
- Paperback and eBook formats included
- Full coordination of all publishing details (ISBN, Amazon book page setup, Amazon author page setup, etc.)
- You keep 100% royalties and have 100% ownership of the book
- Printing and distribution through major online retailers
Custom Quote
Market Your Book With Authors Unite
- Large email list campaigns
- Facebook advertisements
- Kindle advertisements
- Highly targeted
- 100% done for you
- Phone and email support
Authors Unite - Book Launch
- Large email list campaigns
- Facebook advertisements
- NOOK advertisements
- Highly targeted
- 100% done for you
- Phone and email support
Authors Unite
- Large email list campaigns extended
- Facebook advertisements
- Kindle and NOOK advertisements
- Highly targeted
- 100% done for you
- Phone and email support
Authors Unite
Grow Your Business With Authors Unite
- Monthly growth
- 1 - 7 post per week
- Increase followers
- Boost engagement
- Conversion strategy session
- Unlimited scaling
- Monthly features
- Up to 1 article per week
- Boost credibility
- Search engine optimization
- Top quality writers
- Customized to your goals
Success Stories

Carlie Maree
- Wall Street Journal Bestseller
- USA Today Bestseller

David Hancock
- Wall Street Journal Bestseller
- USA Today Bestseller

Dr. Angela E. Lauria
- Wall Street Journal Bestseller
- USA Today Bestseller

Steve Anderson
- Wall Street Journal Bestseller
- USA Today Bestseller

Chris Kai
- Bestselling author
- Keynote Speaker

Eri Kardos
- Bestselling author
- Keynote Speaker

“After Tyler launched my book to bestseller, I landed my first $30,000 keynote speech. I could not have done this without Tyler’s help. If you’re looking for a team that can help you write, publish, and market your book...Authors Unite is it.”

Christopher Kai

Jasper Ribbers
- Bestselling author

Jacqueline Pirtle
- Bestselling author

Kim Butler
- Bestselling author

Jay Doran
- Bestselling author

TJ Anderson
- Bestselling author

Jolie Dawn
- 3x Bestselling author

Jason Treu
- Bestselling author

“Whether it’s a high level executive or someone just starting out, I would send them to Tyler because I know through his processes and systems, you’re going to get results.”

Jason Treu

Tommy Breedlove
- Wall Street Journal Bestseller
- USA Today Bestseller

Hilary Kramer
- Wall Street Journal Bestseller
- USA Today Bestseller

Herman Pool
- #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller

Steven Kotler
- Bestselling author

"Great job! Very impressive campaign and very, very much appreciated!"

Steven Kotler